
Rego-Fix appoints M.A. Ford Europe as UK distributor

Leading Swiss precision tool holding specialist, Rego-Fix®, has appointed M.A. Ford Europe as a main distributor in the UK to handle its full product range including the innovative powRgrip® and secuRgrip® anti pull-out tool holding solutions.

M.A. Ford Europe had already successfully introduced the Rego-Fix powRgrip and secuRgrip solutions to a number of its Tier 1 aerospace customers over the past 12 months to remove the risk of tool pull out in high speed precision machining applications and improve performance even further.

As a result of this experience and the outstanding results achieved within the aerospace and other precision general machining sectors, the decision was made to formalise the sales, technical support and application engineering for Rego-fix products under the new distribution agreement.

David Ward, M.A. Ford Europe’s Managing Director explained: “Every aspect of the Rego-Fix powRgrip and secuRgrip systems is outstanding. From the quality of the products, ease of use and versatility to the exceptional precision, torque transfer and guaranteed anti tool pull-out characteristics we’ve found that this is the preferred choice over alternative solutions including shrink fit.”

He added: “It was Rego-Fix that designed the original ER system, which is now an industry standard and their current range continues this innovative approach by outperforming everything else we have seen, which makes them a perfect complement to our tooling range and an ideal fit within our integrated performance machining offer.”